Saturday 30 April 2016

Why Good Wife Fans May Not Like The Series Finale, According To Julianna Margulies

After seven seasons, CBS’ The Good Wife is finally wrapping things up at the end of this season. Well, “wrapping up” might not be the right phrase to use, as series star Julianna Margulies says things won’t quite be so tidy when the show ends.

I said to Christine [Baranski] when we shot the last scene, ‘Wow. The fans are either gonna love this or hate this, but there’s not going to be a ‘meh.’ There’s no tied up bows. And I hope that the fans can understand the trajectory it puts Alicia on.

Julianna Margulies spoke with Variety Thursday night…

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Why Good Wife Fans May Not Like The Series Finale, According To Julianna Margulies

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