Friday 29 April 2016

How Domino’s Put Automagic Pizza on Every Device. Like, Every Device

“Alexa,” I said, “order a Domino’s pizza.”

Alexa wasn’t having it.

Amazon’s electronic assistant foiled my first attempt at ordering a Domino’s pie through one of the company’s many platform plays. I also could have tweeted or texted or even turned on the TV. But I chose Amazon Echo because my Echo and I have a good rapport. Or we did, until I tried having it deliver a pizza to my mouth.

Alexa vexed me. I’d done the requisite work, setting up a Pizza Profile on the Domino’s desktop site, enabling the Domino’s “skill” in my Alexa app,…

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How Domino’s Put Automagic Pizza on Every Device. Like, Every Device

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